The game is out!

By the time you read this, the game I've been working on (on and off) for 3.5 years will be out! That makes this the biggest project of any kind that I've ever released. That's pretty cool. So what's next for this game?

  1. Once people have had a chance to see this game through to the end, I'd like to make a post here showing off the concept art and drafts of the music.
  2. Eventually I'd also like to upload a 100% completion playthrough video, with my own commentary in text form; partially to talk about the game and its development, partially to show off various secrets and obscurities, and partially for people who want to experience the game but are unable to play it for whatever reason.
  3. Finally, the main thing: I eventually want to remake this game in Godot (packaged alongside the first) so I can give it the polish I feel it deserves, maybe even bringing it up to the standard of an actual product. As development went on, I became desperate for a higher window resolution, more optimized editor, and collision hitboxes... Those features would help reduce so much jank. I'll be busy with other games for a while, so it'll probably be some years before this remake happens... But I've worked on it for a day and it's already looking decent!

As for other games, I hope to release a prototype demo for my next big game, "Bob and the Quest of the Multiverse", this fall. See you then!

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